Torthaí beachta
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Auxilliary glossaries
arrest pending trial; detention on remand; detention pending trial; pre-trial detention; provisional custody; provisional detention; remand in custody; remand in custody pending trial
athchuir faoi choimeád
temporary transfer; temporary transfer of a person in custody; temporary transfer of prisoners
aistriú sealadach; aistriú sealadach duine faoi choimeád
person remanded in custody; pre-trial detainee
duine arna athchur faoi choiméad
suspect in custody
amhrastach i gcoimeád
day in custody
lá i gcoimeád (fir)
period in custody
tréimhse faoi choimeád (bain4)
in custody on a charge for an offence
i gcoimeád ar chúiseamh i gcion